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osho on love - osho qoutes on love, life and laughter

Valentine's day: Osho quotes on love: Today on this day, where people devote this day for there partner. Primarily this day celebrated by lovers to show love to there love partners by what possible ways they can manage. On this romantic day, here are some love quotes by Osho. According to Osho , L ove is secondary, Meditation is primary. because when a person has not known himself, can never love himself. so first to know  thyself  and then only you can able to love fully.  Then  only you know the real taste ecstasy of love.  although  love is the fundamental nature of every being in this world. Here are some love quotes by loving master Osho: "Love and freedom are two sides of the same coin. It is one flower, and it can blossom only when both are allowed dignity and respect." "Loneliness is missing the other. Aloneness is finding oneself. Out of aloneness, a totally new kind of love arises." "Sadness gives depth. Happiness gi

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