Osho New Video Discourses Speech - Osho Videos in Hindi

osho videos:

What is Osho video discourses?

osho video discourses are video lectures/speeches where Osho speaks on meditation techniques. osho talks about religion, society and political parties. osho talks in his speeches that how all these social-political parties captures crowds through the fear gates of the people. he tells his sannyasins how there jaggering influence a huge majority and brainwash their sane mind through there false/pseudo, rotten ideas based on sheer nonsense.

How to watch Osho video discourses?

There are many platforms where you can watch or even listen audio as well as video discourses on the internet. but if you want to watch full video discourses click here.

You will find many videos on youtube.com
watch osho video in hindi as well as english 

You can even watch some clips of full video discourses from youtube.com. some popular videos clip are posted below:

osho Hindi videos:

Purpose of Osho talks or Osho speech is spread awareness amoung being to find their special individuality that the leaders destroyed by people fear.


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